############################################################ The Student Voice Issue 4, No. 2 1.10.1997 ############################################################ 321+ Readers ############################################################ "[W]hen we refuse to pass judgment on any religious phenomenon for fear that such judgments might violate the norm of tolerance so prevalent in our culture, we abdicate our responsibility to the body of Christ to sound a warning where a warning is justified. Some boats need to be rocked, even Christian boats." [From CHURCHES THAT ABUSE, by Ronald M. Enroth, p. 9] ############################################################ The Student Voice is a weekly, on-line commentary and editorial page about the problems that are prevalent at Pensacola Christian College. As an institution that considers itself at the pinnacle of true Christianity, PCC ought to be willing to back up its practices with Scripture, but unfortunately, when one compares the "system" of PCC with true Christianity, PCC falls far short. Our purpose is three-fold: (1) To provide public exposure regarding the practices at PCC; (2) To compare PCC dogma with Scriptural principle, generally accepted societal behavior, and the law of reason; (3) By bringing about this exposure, to see PCC make some positive changes in the areas of discipline, communication with parents and students, church practice, ethical behavior, and educational philosophy. ############################################################ QUOTES OF THE WEEK ". . . I no longer dismiss lightly a mental process which for nine-tenths of the population is the nearest they will ever get to thought. They have immense solidarity. We had better respect them, for we are outnumbered and surrounded. A crowd of grade-three thinkers, all shouting the same thing, all warming their hands at the fire of their own prejudices, will not thank you for pointing out the contradictions in their beliefs. Man is a gregarious animal, and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way on the side of a hill." - William Golding, "Thinking As A Hobby" "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." - Anonymous "Education should aim to encourage the readiness to come to grips with incongruity and even to seek it out in a positive fashion, enjoying challenge. Equally, it should aim to discourage defense and withdrawal. But often it seems in effect to do exactly the opposite. The reasons for this cannot become clear without consideration of another topic: the development of the self-image." - Margaret Donaldson, "The Desire To Learn" "Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes the relish of spiritual things, this is sin to you." - Susanna Wesley ########################################################### TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. I. Voice Announcements II. "Take Time" by: Anonymous III. Essays A. "Fearocracy II" by: Paul S. Perdue B. "A Letter to Rush Limbaugh, from a PCC-philosophy supporter and Vo ice Hater" by: Paul S. Perdue Page 2. IV. The Irony Corner V. Your Comments VI. Have You Heard The One About. . . ? ########################################################### I. VOICE ANNOUNCEMENTS >>> We would like to have someone send us copies of the information that students are required to sign at the beginning of each semester. We suggest that any students reading this also get copies for your parents so that they will know what the contractual agreement is between the students and the school. Please send this information to: Paul S. Perdue 8227 Crackling Fire Dr. Gainesville, Va. 20155 >>> If you would like any copies of back issues, please let us know. However, we would ask that you limit your request to 2 issues per request in order for us to be more efficient. Once you have received the two issues, then please feel free to request 2 more. Here is a list of Voice issues and other information: The Student Voice Introductory Letter Transcript of Dr. Horton's comments made about The Student Voice Issue 1, Nos. 1 - 4 Issue 2, Nos. 1 - 5 Issue 3, No. 1 ("Rules Compilation," Version 1) Issue 3, Nos. 2 - 3 Issue 4, No. 1 >>> We are in the process of putting together an "official" web page where back issues, the Rules Compilation and other interesting information will be displayed. Please stay tuned. >>> If you do not wish to receive The Student Voice, please drop us an e-mail and let us know. If you know of someone who would be interested in receiving The Student Voice, let us know. ########################################################### II. "Take Time" By: Anonymous Take Time to think. . . It is the source of power. Take Time to play. . . It is the secret of perpetual youth. Take Time to read. . . It is the fountain of wisdom. Take Time to pray. . . It is the greatest power on earth. Take Time to love and be loved. . . It is a God-given privilege. Take Time to be friendly. . . It is the road to happiness. Take Time to laugh. . . It is the music of the soul. Take Time to give. . . It is too short a day to be selfish. Take Time to work. . . It is the price of success. Take Time to do charity. . . It is the key to true joy. ########################################################### III. ESSAYS [lupos is on vacation.] "Fearocracy II" [A continuation of the Guest essay presented in Issue 2, No. 5] By: Paul S. Perdue As I sit back and observe the "debate" between The Student Voice and the administration of PCC, although it can hardly be said that I am a disinterested observer, I am struck by the amount of fear The Voice has thus far instilled in the minds of the administration. Yes, FEAR. Of course, PCC would never admit to this, and for practical political reasons, we can all understand why. But consider the reactions thus far, and then consider the ramifications of these reactions, for reactions are not neutral; rather, they represent the effect of a stimulating cause, and this effect is extremely philosophically sensitive and highly introspective. When a person, institution, or whatever it may be is confronted with critical analysis of itself (or perhaps "accusations" to put it more succinctly), there are basically four reactions that one can make; and generally, the reaction depends upon the truth of the assertion made. These possible reactions are: (1) an immediate and forceful denial of the accusatory substance; (2) an act of ignoring the accusations because they are powerless and generally irrelevant; (3) an act of directing the force of the reaction towards subsidiary, and often irrelevant targets (often the accuser himself); or (4) an admission to the truth of the accusation. Now, without getting into the psychological aspects of interpersonal reactions (see Munn, Norman L., PSYCHOLOGY, 3rd ed.), note that generally when a party reacts in such a way that they focus on everything but the substance of the critique, this is often a tell-tale sign that there is some, even if it be minimal, truth to the critical analysis. If someone accuses you of stealing a particular item, and you are completely innocent, your reaction will be either to deny the accusation or to ignore it altogether, not a denouncement of nominally relevant collateral issues. When God accusatorially questioned Adam about his eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, what was Adam's reaction? He dwelt on a collateral issue: Eve's participation. Why? Because he was guilty, and he knew it. When God accusatorially questioned Cain about his brother's existence, what was Cain's reaction? He dwelt on a collateral issue: his relationship (or lack thereof) as Abel's keeper. Why? Because he was guilty, and he knew it. And on and on. . . . Now, think about this. PCC has chosen to react. They have threatened students and faculty with sanctions for any and all "involvement" with The Voice, which includes even reading it. They have even gone so far as to question students regarding their thoughts about The Voice (another abuse of authority, for no human has authority over thought). Had I simply sent a portion of THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA or MEIN KAMPF, I doubt very seriously that anything would have been said or done. Are the writings and thoughts of The Voice more dangerous than these aforementioned texts? Well, that is one of the $10,000 questions. THUS SPOKE ZARATHUSTRA and MEIN KAMPF are both tirades against the general concepts of Christianity: NO THREAT to PCC. The Student Voice, on the other hand, is a commentary that strives for Scriptural purity and principle: THREAT to PCC. You figure it out. If the writings of The Student Voice were refutable and as clearly wrong as PCC wants to make you believe, do you not think that a college full of Ph.D.'s, theologians and professors would be able to crush the ideas of The Voice like a gnat? Couldn't they easily point out the errors of substance instead of resorting to name-calling, fabrication and mischaracterization of what The Voice says? If The Voice is so off, then the easiest thing for PCC to do would be to have someone (it could even be a "secret" committee such as the one that kicks students out) prepare a detailed response to what The Voice has said and then allow everyone to read both documents so that everyone could see how foolish and Scripturally inaccurate The Voice is. But no, PCC would rather make another rule prohibiting thought-provoking reading material by someone who is a product of their own system, because it threatens the very essence of what makes PCC what it is. What have they done? They have used threats of reprisal, intimidation and fear to crush the free thought of people at PCC. Christians everywhere ought to be ashamed at this black eye imposed upon orthodoxy, and we should all be disgusted at this Tiennamen Square-like intellectual repression. The Bible is a book of freedom, not fear. Based on the type of reaction that PCC has thus far demonstrated, it should be clear to everyone that PCC feels threatened by The Voice. This multi-million dollar organization versus a couple of guys with their ideas, and look at where the fear is at. "Fear" is defined by our friend, Webster, as "an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger." This "unpleasant emotion" is the acknowledgment that they can no longer control the spread of ideas and "truth" within their gates, and the ability to limit one's perception of PCC is being shattered. More and more people are learning of The Voice and the ideas that it presents, and Christian schools - those who provide PCC with its customers - are slowly learning what "really" goes on inside those hallowed halls and iron gates that make up PCC. Thus, the "danger." A system that is based on fear is a system that is destined to mediocrity at best, and fear is of satan, not of God. I sit back and continue to be astonished at PCC's juvenile behavior - essentially throwing a temper tantrum at the slightest provocation. So, stay tuned. . . the gadfly is just beginning to awaken the lazy, sleeping horse. Let's just hope the lazy horse stops worrying about the gadfly and starts doing what the students, the community and most importantly, God expects it to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "A Letter To Rush Limbaugh, From a PCC-philosophy Supporter and Voice-hater" By: Paul S. Perdue Dear Mr. Limbaugh, It is with great remorse that I write you this letter, for I feel that the activities you are involved in are extremely unbiblical, hateful and destructive of an institution that God has set up. I have heard about your activities from others, and although I have listened to very little of your radio show, I want to comment on it in detail. It is obvious that you are bitter towards the government of the United States. I don't know what they ever did to you, but don't you realize that bitterness is of the devil, and this bitterness that you spread every day will only harm you? You are so negative, and I think that to be so negative only shows your lack of concern and unhappiness at the system you are under. You gripe and complain constantly, and it's wrong. You obviously also have a problem with authority. Don't you realize that God has set up the government to be the authority over you? And don't you realize that when you speak against the government, and when you criticize what you think is wrong about this institution (the government), you are speaking against God's anointed? An authority is there for you to be subject to, and when you disagree with what that authority does, you are likewise showing a rebellious attitude. And of course, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. You need to OBEY that authority you are under, for this is Biblical. Of course, I don't know you, but it's obvious that you are very rebellious. If you have a problem with the authority you are under, then you need to go to the administration and tell them your problems. This is biblical. If you are disgusted at the things that the government does, then you need to go to your representative and tell them your problem. This is the proper way to voice your opinion. The Bible does not give us the right to speak against that authority, and it certainly never authorizes us to use radio to spread hate. I have been greatly blessed by the government, and although it makes a lot of needless rules and has some ungodly policies, it is still what God has set up for us to follow, and we should never speak against it. We need rules, and for you to say that we shouldn't have rules means that you support anarchy. Rules are for our protection. Rules are here in order to help us live according to the Word of God. If you don't like the rules, Mr. Limbaugh, then LEAVE!! And don't let the door hit you on the way out. No one is forcing you to stay in this country, and no one made you accept the policies of your state. It is obvious that you think you could run the country better than it's being run. In fact, why don't you go start your own country! For you to point out inconsistencies is only destructive of the fabric that holds our society together. Who do you think you are anyway, Mr. Limbaugh? Who gave you the right to speak against the government? It's wrong. It's unbiblical, and you are required by Scripture to stop spreading this hate. You are doing a great disservice to this country, for if God wants change to come about, He can do it Himself, and He doesn't need your help. Your attitude is rotten, your motives are terrible, and frankly, Mr. Limbaugh, I think you ought to stop your radio broadcast. Sincerely, A PCC Supporter ########################################################### IV. THE IRONY CORNER [This is a segment that we will be running from time to time that will be used to point out different ironies at PCC. - eds.] The ideas that I (Paul Perdue) had for an underground newsletter/public debate about the policies at PCC were born in the collegian meetings I was forced to attend after requesting to be permitted to study somewhere else. Since I couldn't study, and since I couldn't tolerate the collegian activities, I was forced to just think. . . . And so The Voice was born. ############################################################ V. YOUR COMMENTS [This is a comment in response to the PCC professor who wrote in last week criticizing The Voice and then later admitted having never actually read it.] Dear Professor, I am very saddened by your response to the StudentVoice. Once again, the StudentVoice has managed to prove their point by allowing the PCC administration to put its foot in its mouth. Anyone that knows me, knows how I personally feel about the StudentVoice. However, in this case, it is a non-issue. First, the administration strengthened the influence of StudentVoice by "outlawing" it (i.e. Prohibition). Then you allow the StudentVoice to embarrass your intellect by printing your stereotypical, "blind-faith" faculty response. You brag to be a defender of Creationism, but then you condemn a newsletter that you have never read? "It may disappoint you to know this, but I haven't read your newsletter and will not do so." I have respect for friends, faculty, parents, and alumni on both sides of "StudentVoiceGate". But I have very little respect for people that make decisions based on hearsay. Please, read the StudentVoice and make your "own" decision. I'm sure that your feelings won't change, but at least you will know whereof you speak (or write). Respectfully, Kelric R. Johnson Sr., Class of '91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [This is from L---, a former student commenting on last week's essay, "Yes, We Do Have Rights."] To the writer on pcc's view of "no rights": join the marines and then let us know your complaints about you rights. The company I work for has a subjective bonus system, they are a world leader.......deal with it or go somewhere else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [This is a comment from J--- entitled "Keep Paying the Electric Bill" in response to our last issue.] First, let me explain the "Subject:" line. You guys are (in my opinion) keeping the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel lit. Though some cannot or haven't seen it, yet, it's there and I thank you for paying the electric bill to keep it up. I know it is a cost with all the time you put into it. I would like to know why you don't comment on readers letters anymore. That was one of my favorite things. Aside from your flawless logic, the sarcastic wit was great too. However, I didn't just write to praise your merits. What about the academic side of the whole PCC mish-mosh. I would really enjoy hearing your comments about certain academic things. For instance, in my concentration, there are four professors. THREE of those are PCC graduates. Granted, two have M.S.'s from different schools, but has anybody ever heard of Academic Inbreading. And how about the whole accreditation thing. I really don't buy the fact that a PCC degree is superior just because they say it is. I plan to have a good job waiting for me when I get out of school, but it will hinge on three things: who I know (yes, that is important); good grades; and experience (mostly from my own extra-curricular endevours). I would like to say that many of your points are excellent. I thoroughly agreed with the fact that collegians oftimes do more harm than good and are very childish. I also was very glad that someone finally made the point of PCC's idea of seperation really being just a version of 1940's conservativism. Excessive and unnecessary rules are definitely what leads to rebellion. I would also like to see them clarify a lot of the "gray" areas. Let's face it, though, without those "gray" areas, half of the staff would be out of a job. On to more, shall we say, "interesting" matters. When people talk about bitterness and anger, [they should look at the letters in the last issue.] I really think you guys hit a raw nerve, and it just goes to show where all the bitterness and anger really is. For everybody out there that still thinks you're all just bitter and trying to "get back at" PCC, I say . . . "DROP IT!" Anyone that actually reads The Voice (which the "PCC Professor" who so kindly wrote to you obviously doesn't and is proud of it) can tell that you aren't bitter. I grew up in various Baptist churches from Independent to Southern to almost new-evangelical. You could probably say that while agreeing with a lot of the Baptist doctrines, I think the evangelicals have it right. Jesus should be the cornerstone of your life and a close friend (who doesn't mind some fun--goodness knows, He created it), not the all-judgmental, finger-pointer that the Fundamentalists advocate. I would like to thank you at The Voice for your creativity, hard work, and support for all of us still serving our tour of duty in the trenches. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [This is a comment from C---, a PCC alumnus.] Get a life. Is PCC really important enough to spend your life complaining about it? I think you need a more constructive hobby. Perhaps take up knitting. This would certainly be more manly than your current one. PCC Gradute who has gotten over his experience without any nagging bitterness. ############################################################ VI. HAVE YOU HEARD THE ONE ABOUT. . . ? Many years ago when PCC was in its infancy my wife to be and I got the ultimate - "Socialed"! (Is that how you spell it or is it even a word?) Somehow the administration had heard rumors that we had gotten together in the home of a faculty member and had gotten "too close"! We were guilty but they had no evidence. So what did they do? First they went to her room and searched it and found a picture of us sitting on a couch together "too close". They called her in and asked her questions like: Did he touch you? Did he kiss you? How many times did he kiss you? I was also called in and asked similar questions. There were only three weeks left in the semester and we finished that semester only communicated by notes and through friends, etc. Doesn't an administration have anything better to do?! As I think about this incident and many others while I was there and that I have read in Student V, it almost sounds like a project for Sam Donaldson. 20-20 interviews PCC! I wonder how the other 99% of Christianity would react to the environment at PCC if they were to come to understand it. It is something that I cannot share with rational people. The just won't believe it or understand it. This is not to say that I did not get some worthwhile education while at PCC, although some of it was suspect. The living environment is just something that even very conservative Christians have real problems with. There is no rational or Biblical justification for such. ############################################################ The Student Voice is: Paul S. Perdue lupos Please feel free to voice your opinions and comments, and we encourage you to send in anything that you think may be relevant to the issues discussed in The Student Voice. ############################################################ THE STUDENT VOICE, PCC's alternative newsletter