####################################################### The Student Voice Issue 3, No. 2 12.20.1996 ####################################################### SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ISSUE (We all do agree on Christmas, don't we?) ####################################################### 251+ Readers ####################################################### QUOTES OF THE WEEK "The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honor you can bestow on him. It means that you recognize his superiority to yourself." - Joseph Sobran, Universal Press Syndicate "Commitment without careful reflection is fanaticism in action." - Anonymous "[W]hen I am employed in serving others, I do not look upon myself as conferring Favours, but as paying Debts." - Benjamin Franklin "I am a poor man, but I would gladly give ten shillings to find out who sent me the insulting Christmas card I received this morning." - George Grossmith ####################################################### TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. I. Voice Announcements II. "The Night Before Christmas. . . Voice style" - Leibniz III. Essays A. "Tis the Season?" - Leibniz B. "A Wish List For Arlin Claus" - lupos Page 2. IV. A Word or Two About the "Rules Compilation" V. "Have You Heard the One About. . . ?" VI. Your Comments ####################################################### I. VOICE ANNOUNCEMENTS >>> We are seeking alumni and non-students to help us with the distribution of The Voice. We are in the process of organizing a group to help with a new distribution method; those interested, please let us know, and we will give you more information. This will be starting up next semester. >>> If you would like any copies of back issues, please let us know. However, we would ask that you limit your request to 2 issues per request in order for us to be more efficient. Once you have received the two issues, then please feel free to request 2 more. Here is a list of Voice issues and other information: The Student Voice Introductory Letter Transcript of Dr. Horton's comments made about The Student Voice Issue 1, Nos. 1 - 4 Issue 2, Nos. 1 - 5 Issue 3, No. 1 "Rules Compilation," Version 1 >>> If you do not wish to receive The Student Voice, please drop us an e-mail and let us know. ####################################################### II. "The Night Before Christmas. . . Voice Style" - by Leibniz [adapted from Clement Moore's famous story] ‘Twas the night before Christmas (break) and all through the school Not a student was stirring - hey, it would violate a rule! The campus was a glow with lights all alit, They had recently been christened with ensemble's lousy skits. The dorm sups were counting the day's demerits with glee - One hundred! Two hundred! Five hundred! Yippee!! The students lay staring in the dark all alone As they thought of that Hardees where they could finally change clothes. Now, a legend had been growing on the campus that year Of a man named "Santa" and his. . . how many reindeer? Some students believed it while others laughed in jest. Dr. Horton added him to his list of those called "Mr. X." "He's black!" "He's irish!" "He's indian!" "He's asian!" (One student got shipped for calling him "caucasian.") But since PCC doesn't permit belief in such things, They settled down to sleep and went back to their dreams. The night was soon broken by an annoying bell tower That proclaimed to the world that midnight was the hour. BONG!! BONG!! BONG!! bink. . . . Uh oh! A bell had been stuffed with a towel as a prank! This unusual sound of bells stuffed with towels Replaced the student's slumber with laughter and howls, And if that weren't enough, the dorm sups took ill As they realized their bad timing in calling a fire drill. . . . Students came from every floor and around every turn; "Change those pants to a skirt - I don't care if you burn!" But the chaos was muffled by a light from the North, And the security guards on their bikes were afraid to step forth. Could it really be Santa, they thought in delirium? And without a doubt it was, as he took out the planetarium. "Ho, Ho, Ho" bellowed Santa as he pulled out his rum, (But he quickly put it away after he remembered where he'd come.) The deans and their posse had quickly manned stations To stamp out this "protest," this "riot," or "demonstration." But the crowds were too great as the throngs showed their power By converging like a flood between the Commons and Bradley Tower, And the numbers were upwards of four thousand strong, But the floorleaders still tried to abolish the throng. The stage was now set for the showdown of time On PCC's campus that is the legend of this rhyme. "Who gave you the right," someone shouted, "to come around here?" "It's not about a ‘right'," Santa replied, "it's about Christmas cheer," "And all I have to give you is a message, is that bad?" "You'll be written up for this, Santa," they replied with demerit pads. "Go ahead, write me up, I don't really care," And the crowds erupted in one giant cheer. "My message is this, then I'll leave on my course - Merry Christmas from Leibniz, lupos and The Voice!" ####################################################### III. ESSAYS "Tis the Season?" - by Leibniz Luke 2:10,11: "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: For, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Regardless of how we incorporate the name of Christ into our descriptions of life's events, places or people, one idea, or more accurately one truth, stands out above all others. That truth is that Christ represents good news. When we celebrate Christmas we are celebrating the good news of Jesus Christ. Yes, technically it is the "birth" we are celebrating, but a birth is not necessarily significant unless there is something for which that birth stands. A birth is a miracle in and of itself, but it does not warrant an international holiday unless that birth stands for something internationally significant. I was discussing the topic of Christmas with a friend of mine who is Muslim, and of course, Christmas is not a celebrated holiday within Islam. She at first thought it sort of strange that they did not recognize Christmas, because after all, Muslims do honor and respect Jesus Christ as a great prophet. To simply recognize a holiday that honors Christ's birth would not, then, seem to be inconsistent with the Islamic faith. This question really emphasizes the crucial issue of Christmas, though, for if the holiday were only celebrating his birth for that fact alone, there would really be no need for a holiday, because a birth is simply one's biological transformation into this world. This happens thousands of times a day, so what makes this one birth so much more special than any other? You obviously know the answer. Christ's birth represents the greatest gift mankind has ever received. This birth was not simply the birth of a great man, but the incarnation of God Himself, and that is what makes the birth of Christ worthy of a holiday. There are many theories and explanations as to where the origin of giving gifts came from. Some people think that it is a representation of the act of the three wisemen in Matthew 2. Others think that it represents the fact that Christ's birth was God's gift to us, and so we should acknowledge that by giving gifts to others. Yet others agree that it comes from European traditions of the tree, Saint Nicholas, and others. Whatever your take on the origin of gift-giving is, however, we would all agree that Christmas is a time for giving. I just received the latest PCC Update, as I am sure most of you did as well. As I read it and looked at the pictures of the new MaKenzie Building, its "custom-designed glass elevators [that] glide up and down the six-story atrium with an observation deck on each floor lobby," its chandeliers that illuminate the "Great Hall," and its planetarium, I thought to myself, here is an organization that has millions of dollars to spend however it wishes, and here is an organization that maintains its total and complete reliance on Scripture (read Dr. Horton's comments on page 2 and 3 about Biblical inerrancy - actually, it was virtually all of someone else's quotes. Of course, Dr. Horton is usually much more effective when he has someone else speaking for him). PCC claims that it adheres to Scripture as closely as anyone can, and yet I witness this issue proclaiming the grandeur of the MacKenzie Building - a veritable temple to keeping things to themselves. I am all for doing things well. I am all for presenting Christianity in a first-class way and doing things in a manner that is "excellent," as PCC is often quick to remind you, as if excellence needs a reminder. But then I look at the community surrounding PCC. It is extremely poor, for the most part. Its internal structures are old (the city was around well before the founding of this country), and yet how much has PCC given back to the community? When was the last time PCC said "thank you" to the community that allowed it to construct its edifices on their soil (although this, too, is debatable)? PCC won't hesitate to build grand structures for itself, almost in a way that says "LOOK AT HOW GREAT WE ARE." Yet if PCC is so great, why not take some of that money and do something for others? Why not do something Christ Himself would have done, and give something to someone else without expecting anything in return? Why not build a few houses for some homeless people? Why not contribute something back to the community instead of always erecting structures for itself? Why not occasionally allow the outside community to use the Sports Center? But, you say, WE paid for it, and it is for OUR use, not theirs! To that I say, wait a minute - whose name are you using to identify yourself when you call yourself "Christian," and what exactly was He saying when He taught the parables of the widow and the mite and the good Samaritan? You know the Bible, you can figure it out. As it is now, PCC is looked on with scorn by the Pensacola community, and that is a shame. I am trying to locate ONE person who is not associated with the school, who lives in the Pensacola area and who appreciates and respects PCC, and as of yet, I have not found one. PCC is thought of as a cult by many Pensacoleans (and others), and one of the many reasons is that cults very seldom, if ever, do anything for anyone but itself. They are all internalized. I never have been able to figure out the PCC idea that better facilities make a better education. They may provide a better "incentive" to learn, although that is doubtful. They may provide the outward "appearance" that something is being learned inside the walls, but how does a building enhance what goes into a person's mind? How does a better room make a person smarter? It may make education easier, but it does not make it better. Now, let me make myself clear: I do not know what PCC gives to the community or what it gives by way of charitable donations to anyone NOT associated with itself, but I do have an ability to perceive things. We all have an ability to deductively deduce a conclusion from the observable set of facts and realities that stare us in the face. PCC has loads of money; Pensacola has little. PCC has the ability to do things for others in a way that most of us just dream of; Pensacola has little, if anything, done for it. I am not giving you a precise prescription and an exact cure, because that is not my place. What I am trying to do is to get you to understand what is at stake when we call ourselves "Christian," when we tack the name of Christ onto our endeavors. At Christmas, I am always reminded of the powerful story of Dexter Manley, a former Washington Redskin. Dexter was a great defensive end in his days with the Redskins, but he fell into some problems and ended up losing everything he had. Everyone had forgotten about him, and no one cared. Dexter was not the smartest guy in the world, and he certainly had his problems. Several years after he sort of went into oblivion, I saw an interview with him in which he described the following experience; simple as it may be, it demonstrates the true essence of Christianity, and the distance PCC is straying from it. Dexter had no home, no pillow on which to lay his head (conscience or no conscience), and no friends. He went to a local college campus which was only sparsely inhabited due to the Christmas holidays. He was depressed and thinking about suicide. Dexter found an empty bench and laid down to go to sleep, but the cold December air chilled him to the bone and kept him from being able to drift off as each of us do every night without ever thinking twice about it. Needless to say, he didn't go to sleep. Some time after he laid down on the bench, another man approached him. "How are you doing, sir? Can I get you anything?" asked the man in a friendly tone. "Sure, you could get me a blanket," replied Dexter. The man looked down, thought to himself for a moment, and then replied, "Ok, stay right here. I'll be back in a few minutes." Dexter didn't think too much of it, and continued on unsuccessfully in his endeavor to get some sleep. He did, however, hope that this stranger would return with something warm. About thirty minutes later the man did return. He brought with him several thick blankets and a sack of food. "You know, I have a place you could stay at if you want to get out of this cold weather," the visitor kindly remarked. "No, I don't want to bother you. . . I'll work things out," answered Dexter. "Ok, then. But here, I brought you several blankets for you to use, and some food. Are you sure you don't need anything else?" "No, but I appreciate it," replied Dexter. Dexter thankfully took the blankets and food and was finally able to drift off for a few hours of uncomfortable sleep, but sleep nonetheless. The next morning, the visitor returned to check up on Dexter, much to Dexter's surprise. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing all right and that you have everything you need," asked the stranger. They talked for a few minutes, and then the stranger pulled out a Bible, and explained to Dexter how that there was good news in Jesus Christ, and that there was freedom from sin through His Word. The stranger wasn't presumptuous or over-bearing, and he didn't care about anything but Dexter and his needs. And then as Dexter was relaying this story, his lip began to quiver - this big, former pro-football lineman. He explained how this stranger invited him back to his home for a place to stay until he could get his feet back under him, and invited him to his church where he was assured that he would feel welcomed and that there would be numerous others who could help him out. Then as he choked back the tears, I will never forget what he said next. "THAT is what Christianity should be," he said. "If there wasn't someone to care about me that night, I don't know what I would have done." Now, I don't know if Dexter actually ever received the gift of salvation, but I do know this, Christianity is not about who can build the biggest, most modern structures. It is not about making sure men and women think as we think they should, act like we, in our preconceived, unsupported notions of morality think they should act, or look like they just walked out of the Gap. No, Christianity is about giving. It is about caring. It is about demonstrating what Christ is ACTUALLY like. Few of us even come close, but then again, few of us claim to. PCC is heading farther and farther away from this and more and more into itself, and how great it is. The almighty image at PCC is looked on with ridicule and disgust by the unsaved, those they are supposed to be concerned about. These temples to the god of PCC's money-making empire only go to demonstrate that it is not the poor and needy, the unsaved and the lost that PCC cares about; rather, it is those who continue to buy into the bogus notion of PCC's "Christianity" that PCC cares about, and for some reason, bigger is always better for them. So, as we approach Christmas in a few days, remember what the whole reason for Christmas really entails. It is not simply the birth of Christ, but the REASON for the birth of Christ. It is about others, for why else was Christ born? And as most of us are at home away from PCC, stop and meditate on what Christ is all about, and ask yourself this question: what would Christ say to PCC's approach to using His name for their profit? And then ask yourself this: would you want to be around when He gave PCC the answer. Merry Christmas! -------------------------------------------------------------- "A Wish List for Arlin Claus" - by lupos As The Student Voice looks back at its infancy in 1996, it is apparent that we have struck on issues that have been very near to our readers. Every week we receive dozens of letters, both commending and berating us for our efforts. The Student Voice has provided neccessary encouragement to many students and faculty at PCC, showing them that they are not alone, and that the problems they see, which are continually ignored by the powers that be, are real. Well, we are also glad to see that the administration has been reading The Voice. No, perhaps not too thoroughly, but they ARE ever so busy. In one of our earliest issues we expressed that the school was overstretching its bounds in some of the ways that it "provided" all of the housing for the staff families. We are pleased to report that within the last few months, PCC has begun to offer the faculty the option to buy their homes. This helps staff/faculty achieve some autonomy and independence, while cutting back on PCC's own empire-building. We do not know many particulars of this program, but we see it as a step in the right direction. Now, of course, we at The Voice don't care who gets credit. We just want change. It is in that spirit, and in the spirit of giving that we have prepared this Christmas Wish List for Arlin Claus, himself. We encourage PCC to implement as many of these changes as they can "quiet as a mouse" over the Christmas break. We at The Voice wouldn't think of taking any credit whatsoever. ***** The Christmas Wish List ***** 1.) No lights out. PCC certainly doesn't want to lower its "standards," but hey, this isn't a sin issue. It's simply a huge annoyance. A bedtime is for kiddies, and if it is one of the school's goals to teach responsible use of time, give the students the time so that they can be responsible with it. The 23 and older students have no lights-out, so why put a completely arbitrary age limit on it? Plus, this rule unfairly punishes "nite owls" who do their best work in the late evenings. It is ridiculous that for four years you can't stay up to pray, to talk, to work, anything - unless it is a PCC job. Trust us, students know when and how much sleep they need. The best thing, we believe is to make THAT time "quiet hours." 2.) Quit screwing with the phones. Obviously, rumors abound about phone-tapping, blocking numbers, and the like, so we suggest this: just leave them alone. Not being allowed to call the girls dorms in the evening is simply unneccesary. Turning them of at 10:00? Why? Of course, there will be students who talk too late or who hog the phone, but that is life, and it seems as though college students ought to be able to work those things out. The switchboard is inadequate to handle the volume of calls, so it ought to be eliminated and each room simply have its own direct line. This works at hundreds of colleges. Trust us, students can actually handle their own phone bills! 3.) A Revised Dress Code. 1/2 of the dress code rules are made on a whim from who knows who, and this puts an annoying burden on the students to look like how some administrator's 55-year old wife thinks they should. To think that God actually doesn't want his children to wear shorts when it is 95 degrees out is just silly. And the rule that men must wear pants to the beach - evidentally the school wants its men to strip down naked behind a car door to take off a wet bathing-suit, and to get back into pants since the required beach has no changing rooms. 4.) Rethink Hair-Check. The current system is completely subjective and each dorm seems to have a different "standard." Also, the practice of all the men having to line up in the hall facing the wall as a staff member walks by judging them is a little abusive. There's no reason to treat the students like that. 5.) Decorating The Rooms. Do a little research and find an adhesive that the students can use to put up posters in their rooms without harming the precious walls. Then sell it exclusively in your own bookstore. This is not difficult. 6.) Let the Students Pick Their Church. Okay, there's no chance of this happening, but it needs to be mentioned. Think of the great impact 4000 students could have on the town of Pensacola if they went out to all the churches and were a blessing. Just young people's presence at some old churches would make a difference. It would also create vitality on campus, as students learn different things. The school would still have all their chapel services to make sure the students were receiving the "proper" indoctrination. But, there is the TV show, and that big auditorium to fill. . .. . Never mind that a school has NO business "running" a church. Are there elders? The student members certainly have no input in "their" church. And how about kicking people out? The Campus "Church" has absolutely no system of restoration for those who have fallen. And if a student is having difficulty with a spritual aspect of his college, can he go to his pastor for advice? He's on the payroll! The students are effectively robbed of any spiritual refuge while at PCC. It's IMMORAL and TOTALLY UNBIBLICAL. 7.) Remove the "Pledge." This "did you cheat" question on everything at PCC reveals how they view the students: with suspicion and disrespect. Are we so ignorant as to think that without the pledge we could just go ahead and cheat all we wanted? Or do they think that if a person is willing to cheat he won't be willing to sign the pledge? It's simply a semantic burden which ought to be eliminated. 8.) Let the Student Know the Accuser. This seems simple enough. If a student is turned in for something, he should be told in advance by the person doing it, or at the very least, made aware of who it is later. 9.) No "Scanning Out." For the staff to actually pretend this is designed for the student's protection is laughable. It is, as with most "standards" at PCC, designed to control the students, and subsequently is a complete pain. There are so many times when going off campus something comes up where a student may go some place they did not originally intend. This is called life. Parents understand these things. 10.) Full Internet Access. Every place a person goes on the internet is logged by the browser, so if someone "surfs" porn, bust him, but there is no reason to eliminate the endless supply of good information that is available. It in effect gives other college's students an advantage over those at PCC. And another thing - splurge a little and don't make the students pay for what virtually every other college (with less available funds) makes free to their own students. So there they are. Would PCC become a liberal cesspool by changing these rules? I think not, but it would certainly be more reasonable. And again, we promise to take no credit! ####################################################### IV. A WORD OR TWO ABOUT THE "RULES COMPILATION" The "Rules Compilation" seemed to go over very well with you, the readers, and it seems that quite a few of you got a good laugh out of it. The unfortunate thing is this: it really is not funny. We already have close to three times as many rules just waiting for the next version to be put out, and the administration just doesn't seem to get the point. It was quite amusing to get the responses stating STILL that this was an indication of our rebelliousness. We haven't quite figured out yet how publishing PCC's rules makes us rebellious, but we have come to the realization that very few PCC supporters understand rebellion OR authority. Nothing personal. . . just a fact. There are a couple of things we would like to clarify or add here that we learned since the Rules Compilation went out. These were sent to us, and you can take them for what they're worth: >>> This is a general comment about the compilation: Dear Student Voice, In your recent compilation of rules, you missed a few places where rules may be broken "for an official college function." This includes, but is probably not limited to: Borrowing, men's hair length (for plays), and many dress code rules. These may be permissible because the college's "image" is enhanced as a result. >>> This is in response to the rule prohibiting fruit and plants as "gifts" for Fine Arts Series. Thought you might be interested about this... The rule about no fruit, plants, stuffed animals, ect... at Fine Arts came into being my Junior year. Here's why. Guys got tired off always getting their dates a rose. After going with a girl to 4 or 5 FAS the rose thing gets a little old. So it sort of became a competition among guys who could get the wildest thing for their date. Here are some things that I actually saw: pineapple, peaches, melons, flowering plants of all shapes and sizes, those 5' high bears. I usually got my date a flowering plant, because that way she could enjoy the flowers for a couple of months, rather than a couple of days. >>> Hey, it's the gift that keeps on giving! >>> Here are some "mistakes" we made in the Compilation - of course, these additions make everything much more reasonable. . . . Mistakes in your rule "compilation" You can have Walkmans with external speakers, not headphones. If you are 23&older, you do not have to "scan out" You can have plants ( over the 4 years I was there... every year someone in my prayer group had one) You can be barefoot in the halls you can give your date your jacket... as long as it is outside the DH Let me modify the jacket rule... usually you only get written up when you give the girl your jacket when your inside the DH... the rule says 'don't do it' but most of the time you can give it to her outside the DH without getting demerits.... >>> Amazing, isn't it? And to think we were so off. . . . ####################################################### V. "HAVE YOU HEARD THE ONE ABOUT. . . ?" >>> All we can say about the following story is that it is incredible. The ramifications of this are absolutely phenomenal, so much so that we probably should dedicate more time to it. However, it truly speaks for itself. Can anyone say "ARROGANCE"? The summer before my first year at PCC I received the standard welcome message postcard from the Student Body president. It said how he was glad I was coming, expected a good year, etc, and I believe it was signed. During my second semester at PCC, I was chatting with the same SB president when the topic of this postcard came up. Apparently this message was sent to every new student and contained his picture and a message supposedly from him. As it turned out, he knew nothing of the postcard until he returned to school that fall. He neither wrote the message nor gave anyone permission to, nor did he give permission to use his picture, although the school may have all students sign something regarding that. Regardless, the school deceitfully presented this letter as from the SB president, while being so arrogant as to presume they did not need to ask his permission, much less actually allow him to write it. >>> In other colleges, this is called "unethical." Of course, PCC doesn't HAVE to be like other colleges. . . . ####################################################### VI. YOUR COMMENTS >>> This is a letter from T---, a former student: Dear Student V, I am a recent PCC grad, and I was sent your newsletter by an old roommate with whom I stay in touch via e-mail. I applaud you for what you are doing. It is high time somebody spoke the truth about PCC. I hope your effort succeeds in effecting a change in PCC policy, and making it a better place. It has the potential to be a great school, and I hope that someday it will be. I agreed with the alumni who wrote that the low cost is what traps most students, but I would like to add that the lack of accredidation is also a trap. When a student lives through a year or so of constant oppression, and finally decides that he wants to transfer, he discovers that few, if any, of his credits will transfer to any other school, and if he leaves, he must start all over. This is what happened to me. I realized in my sophomore year that tranferring would virtually negate all the hard work I had done, and all the money I had spent thus far on my education. I opted to stay at PCC, but actually, I didn't have much of an option. ----------------------------------------------------------- >>> This is a message sent to us by G---. To Whom It May Concern, You do not know me. I am not and have never been a student at PCC. However, I have a family member who recently graduated from PCC along with several of his friends. I have visited the campus several times. Every time I visited I was considered to be "not properly attired". I graduated from Bible College and I am currently in the full time ministry. I was introduced to several people of authority and prominence while I was there. They were told that I was employed in the full time ministry. However, this did not stop them from looking down their noses at me, maybe because of my attire. I am writing all of this to state the following. The Bible College I attended was not perfect. It had many of the same problems that you have addressed. It was not perfect because it was run by men. These were great men. Many were pastors with strong, thriving churches. They were pastors and teachers. But just as I said, they were still men. Men will make mistakes and always do. Many times I was frustrated and upset with how things were handled at the college. Many times they were contrary to God's Word. Many times they were 100% wrong in what they did. Sometimes they admitted it and sometimes they didn't. It all used to really bother me. Then one day I realized that what is most important for me was to be doing the will of God. God has a specific will for each and every one of us. And it is easy to know it, if we are truly seeking it. God's will for my life was to go to that college and receive my degree and prepare myself for what lay next. God knew the problems there. My job was to focus on keeping myself right, true, and uspotted from the world. Many people around me made mistakes everyday just like me. Some mistakes were more noticeable than others because the people who committed them were on the staff of the college. I had to concentrate on taking one day at a time and making sure that I was living according to God's will. God will take care of the other people, it is not up to me be the Holy Spirit in their life. If God wants a student at PCC then that student should attend PCC and abide by every rule that they have. The student should do what is required of him by the school in order to receive their degree. This is just a short period in their life. I guarantee you that if it is God's will for them to attend PCC, and they attend PCC, and they obey every rule and command passed on to them, and they focus on living their lives according to God's Word, and they do this no matter if the rules and laws make sense or not, then they will be blessed by God for obedience to His Word and Will. You seem to focusing on the truth. The truth is that we are spirit-quickened Christians living in a spiritually dead world. Putting the word Christian on something does not always make it Christ-like. However, we have the ability and power to be Christ-like and must be. And we must concentrate on ourselves and not get too busy worrying about others, because we tend to forget that people in glass houses should not throw stones. Just like Jesus told the men trying to condemn the lady for her sins; He said for those without sin to throw the first stone and none did. ----------------------------------------------------------- >>> This is a message from O---, apparently my doctor: Are you aware how many problems bitterness can cause you? You will probably turn grey haired and wrinkly well before your peers. You will probably suffer from ulcers or something much worse. In your attempt to show everyone how much you dislike PCC, you are hurting only yourself. Hope it's worth it! ----------------------------------------------------------- >>> This is a letter from the parents of a PCC student: Hey! Are you guys still out there? We are interested in getting your newsletter as our daughter is a student at PCC. We as her parents are in wholehearted agreement of the need for the students to have a ‘voice’. In fact, we did not know that PCC was as legalistic in their positions as they are. We were not aware of ALL the rules and regs until she was given the main handbook after enrolling. Don’t get us wrong—we, as well as our daughter, like the education that she is getting. It is just the extraneous rules and regs that bother us. Her dad said, “I guess we enrolled you in the military without knowing it!” The main thing that bothers us is the obvious fact that they do not like questions. Legitimate, honest and thought provoking questions. Do they not know the verse that says, “Come let us reason together, saith the Lord?” To us this says that God Himself encourages reasoning and questioning. He is not scared of questions, so why are they? Please put us on your mailing list as of this date. Our daughter called and said that anyone who was found in possession of the Student Voice would be kicked out. We were concerned that you all would have discontinued this newsletter because of that threat by Dr. Horton. We hope and pray that PCC will see the errors of some of their positions and turn around since they do offer such a good education for college students. They just need to treat them as young adults to further their initiation into adulthood and not hold them back by reinforcing adolescence. Let us hear from you so we can continue to pray for you and for PCC. God bless and strengthen you and give you continued VOICE. Parents of a PCC student ####################################################### The Student Voice may be reached at studentv@aol.com Leibniz may be reached at studentv@aol.com lupos may be reached at lupos@usa.net ####################################################### MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DURING THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON! ####################################################### THE STUDENT VOICE, PCC's alternative newsletter