############################################################ The Student Voice Issue 3, No. 1 12.6.1996 ############################################################ SPECIAL EDITION OF THE STUDENT VOICE: FALL SEMESTER "RULES COMPILATION" ############################################################ 224+ Readers ############################################################ QUOTES OF THE WEEK "A little rule, a little sway, A little sunbeam in a winter's day, Is all the proud and mighty have Between the cradle and the grave." - John Dyer "He has observ'd the golden rule, Till he's become the golden fool." - William Blake " 'That's not a regular rule: you invented it just now.' 'It's the oldest rule in the book,' said the King. 'Then it ought to be Number One,' said Alice." - Lewis Carroll "A rule is a rule; and let's face it, without rules, there's chaos." - Kramer ############################################################ TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Voice Announcements II. "Have You Heard the One About. . . ?" III. Some Words From a Pastor's Wife IV. Essay A. "Introducing the 'Rules Compilation' " - Leibniz (Mr. X) V. "Rules Compilation" - lupos ############################################################ I. VOICE ANNOUCEMENTS >>> The Voice may not be distributed next weekend. There are some time conflicts with the editors, but we are working to get an issue out. We will still be receiving your comments and thoughts. >>> We are seeking alumni and non-students to help us with the distribution of The Voice. We are in the process of organizing a group to help with a new distribution method; those interested, please let us know, and we will give you more information. This will be starting up next semester. >>> If you would like any copies of back issues, please let us know. However, we would ask that you limit your request to 2 issues per request in order for us to be more efficient. Once you have received the two issues, then please feel free to request 2 more. Here is a list of Voice issues and other information: The Student Voice Introductory Letter Transcript of Dr. Horton's comments made about The Student Voice Issue 1, Nos. 1 - 4 Issue 2, Nos. 1 - 5 >>> If you do not wish to receive The Student Voice, please drop us an e-mail and let us know. ############################################################ II. HAVE YOU HEARD THE ONE ABOUT. . . ? >>> This was sent to us by a former student. - eds. As so many stories start out (from PCC), it was my junior year, I was engaged to be married. My husband had been involved with the infamous GA scandal involving the "movie thing". Needless to say he was "kicked" out and so graceously given his masters degree without walking. I had been an Eagle's Cheerleader but, because of who I was associated with, I was considered a "rebel, or a bad person." Before all of this however, I was considered to be in the "administration approved crowd." I had been giving plasma in downtown Pensacola, like so many other PCC students, and like many others I was earning some extra weekend cash. My fiance' decided this would also be a good thing for him to do to earn some extra cash. So, we both went twice a week, he was of course not a student and had graduated. We barely talked, and once in a great while we would "chance" it and sit by one another. The other students I had been riding with suddenly felt "convicted" and decided to turn me in. I was totally humiliated - I was shadowed and had to go before the administration and "plead my case!" Finally after 2 days the verdict came in. I was given 130 demerits and campused for 6 weeks (during the big beach time); with my measly 12 this put me up to 142 and it was only March. In the end I left with 143 - the most I had ever had the previous years was 27demerits in one semester. Needless to say, I got married that summer and never went back. This is just one of the many wrong doings that go on at Pensacola Christian College. I have served my time!! >>> Like most of the stories, an interesting question is raised (actually, numerous questions. . .): WHO was it that "convicted" your "friends"? Was it really the Holy Spirit? Or was it a sense of guilt that had been driven into the student's heads time and time again on campus? It's something to think about. . . . - eds. ############################################################ III. SOME WORDS FROM A PASTOR'S WIFE James 2:12, 13 "So speak ye, and do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty. For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment. " As a parent, saved at the age of fourteen, who entered Bible college out of high school, met and married a man who was called to ministry and being in ministry for over twenty seven years now I have seen a lot of wrong done in the name of Christ. My children were raised to be independent thinkers and encouraged to come to a personal relationship with Christ and to develop their 'own' intimate walk with Him. When our son chose P.C.C. we were very supportive of his decision..Emphasis on HIS decision. God gave us three beautiful children. Today they are still walking with God I truly believe because we allowed God to take over the work of maturing their walk as they got older. My husband and I love God. He mercifully stepped into our lives and chose us for Himself. We've never regretted knowing God and thank Him always that we were chosen and are humbled by the fact that He died for us. I still have many family members who don't know Christ...I am so very thankful for His mercy to me. When I came to know Christ as a teenager I still had a lot of growing up to do! God could have righteously judged me over and over for all the sinful things I did and thought as I matured in Christ, He still could. Consequently, as God has dealt with me over the years, in love and with mercy I trusted Him to do the same with my children. There were always the rules of course, some as we look back were ridiculous, some were good, but our children always knew we loved them and were allowed to ask, with the right attitude, "why?". Sometimes they even had to wait to ask, but asking was allowed. God always has let me ask and has answered over and over in His Word to me....and I have grown. This attitude among the administration will only lead to grief for themselves. To expel students for reading the Voice or even having a part in it's content is an attitude of pride and arrogance I have seen over and over again in the leaders He has chosen. My son has struggled with such a miriad of emotions over this that he has considered leaving the school. We have encouraged him to stick it out and make a difference by having a Godly attitude and encouraging others to do the same; however, he knows we love and support him in whatever decision he makes as the man he is. I'm reading the last part of James 2:13 again...."...mercy rejoiceth against judgment". Please be encouraged students, God is and will always be in control. He knows the injustices and can use them for good. Remember also, it's not God who has failed you. I'm near the half century mark and have known and continue to say God has NEVER failed me. God's Speed Voice! ############################################################ IV. ESSAYS "An Introduction to the 'Rules Compilation' " By Leibniz Discussing the topic of "rules" as a general matter is sort of like discussing "Japanese History," it is narrow within a broader scope, but it is still too broad to be adequately addressed in as short a space as I have here. So, for those of you who always complain that I am not thorough enough, I will admit that now, so save your "pens." This is, however, really only meant to introduce the following "Rules Compilation." Regardless of how much one knows or has thought about "rules" as a concept, this "Rules Compilation" speaks for itself. But first, I would like to make a few observations about people who like the PCC rules; and when I say "like the PCC rules," I am NOT saying those who "like PCC." I like PCC, I just do not like much of the philosophy that governs the "community" (for instance, the amount and extent of the rules). I must say that from a sociological and psychological point of view, it is interesting to hear people express the idea that they "came to PCC because of the rules." These are the people who want strict regulations to govern their lives (which is ok) but who want others to determine what they will be; they are the ones who seem to wallow in their own lack of self-worth, for they obviously feel themselves inadequate to determine their own personal rules themselves. It seems to me that this type of outlook, besides being completely abnormal, is a form of psychological and social sadomasochism. There is a desire to tie up and bind one's own mind and social freedom, even though society (and Scripture) expects otherwise. These students desire to have their social interactions inhibited by others, as if others have some innate, privileged knowledge as to what is best for other individuals on a semi-grand scale. I think these individuals fall into one of two categories: (1) Those who simply love PCC so much that they will resort to any measure to justify and explain PCC's harsh regulatory environment. Deep down inside, these people do not really want the strict lifestyle that PCC requires, but they see this as a small "evil" compared to the greater "good." This is completely understandable. In fact, I am hoping that most of those who have expressed a joy at being constantly told what to do fall into this category and not the second. These individuals, though, fear saying anything negative about PCC - they are afraid to admit that PCC could be in need of some change. This tells me that, good intentions notwithstanding, these people desire the status quo over true intellectual discourse. They would rather stick their heads in the sand like an ostrich and pretend that their dislike for an overabundance of rules does not exist, than to admit that perhaps this overabundance needs to be made a little less abundant - i.e., PCC is not as "perfect" as they would like to admit. This is an indication that their lives are contingent upon the image and are heavily intertwined with the success of PCC, not with learning, for learning involves confronting and challenging ideas - even if they are one's own. (2) Those who actually DO want PCC's strict rules. The second group of people I see are those who actually do want PCC's strict rules. I believe that this exhibits a lack of maturity and the presence of a poor self-image. This individual is saying one of two things: (1) I CANNOT, or I am INCAPABLE of making rules for myself, or (2) I WILL NOT make rules for myself. Therefore, this person says, I need someone else to make them for me. This individual is expressing either an inability to cope with life's basic challenges, or he is expressing a satisfaction in not having to cope with life's basic challenges - i.e., setting basic guidelines for oneself. The Apostle Paul said in I Corinthians 13:11 (KJV), "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." Being an adult means taking on adult responsibilities and making adult decisions. Being a child means having others make them for you. Can we delegate to someone else our basic responsibilities before God? Technically, yes. Philosophically, yes. Legally, yes. But what about morally? I don't know. . . . It seems to me that if God gave us a free will to exercise for His glory, it would be a violation of that basic responsibility to say no, I won't exercise it - you do it for me. Is God looking down at the PCC community and rejoicing over this collective exercise of free will? Is God happy that students are acting "according to His principles" simply because someone else is making them? It's difficult to imagine. So, to those of you who say that you WANT the rules at PCC I say, grow up. Be men and women, not boys and girls. Stop looking to constantly suck stability from the teats of PCC's self-anointed morality breast. Before I get completely taken out of context, let me make something clear: RULES ARE GOOD. RULES ARE NEEDED. PCC MUST HAVE RULES. But before you now dismiss Mr. X as having been "born again" to the PCC way, hear me out. Inherent in the whole notion of rules are two concepts: authority and purpose. Actually, "purpose" is a stepchild of "authority," but for the purpose of simplicity, I will keep them separate. (For our view of authority versus PCC's "view," see Issue 1, No. 1; Dr. Horton's Statements; Issue 2, No. 4.) Assuming that PCC has all the authority in the world to make all of its rules, which I think for the most part it does, there remains the question of "purpose" - what is the purpose of the rules, what are they meant to accomplish? To those who are strong advocates of PCC's current system, I would like to pose the following hypothetical for your consideration: Let's say PCC decided that based on the Scriptural admonition to do everything "decently and in order" (I Corinthians 14:40), it was going to require that all students coming in and going out of chapel must do so in a single-file line with "door holders" and "line monitors." And let me just repeat all of the justifications that have been used: (1) you decided to go there, so accept it; (2) it's based on Scripture; (3) to express disagreement with this rule exhibits rebellion; (4) PCC needs to maintain a good "testimony" (instead of "image"); etc. Some of you would see no problem (does the pied piper come to mind?). Others would say, wait a minute, there really is no genuine purpose for having this rule. It simply goes too far. Without consciously thinking through any principles upon which to arrive at that conclusion, you would essentially be weighing the positive aspects (maintaining order and discipline) against the negative aspects (waste of time, poor image, improper way to treat adults, humiliating, etc.) to come to the conclusion that the negative far outweighs the positive. And you would be right. Now, consider the following "Rules Compilation" in the same light, and ask yourself the same question: what are the positive aspects versus the negative aspects? Also ask yourself: Why doesn't PCC include these in the Stu dent Handbook? One more: What would Christ (or the Apostle Paul) say about these "rules" if He were here today? But then read them again for entertainment, for they are quite amusing. Go ahead, laugh out loud. Oops! I forgot, laughing out loud may be considered "active participation in rebellion." If you laugh, you had better laugh quietly. . . . ########################################################## "Rules Compilation (Fall Semester, 1996)" - Compiled by lupos, and with comments by lupos (and an occasional comment by Leibniz) The following is a list of rules for the students at PCC. We suggest that all students and prospective students become familiar with this list, as it is pivotal to your success at PCC. As far as we know this will be the most comprehensive list of rules at PCC. No, we don't expect thanks from PCC for compiling this for them. It is our pleasure. Although The Student Voice has received a rather severe opinion from the administration, they surely could not object to the distribution of their own rules. How else can students obey them, if they are not aware of them? It is only fair that they be written out to avoid confusion. We will happily amend any listed rule should it be eliminated or worded improperly. ******************************************************************** Things You Had Better Know Before You Go To PCC. Version 1. 12/6/1996 Introduction: When considering attending Pensacola Christian College, it is important to know that they have rules. Rules. Rules. Rules. They have rules to govern every area of your life. Just like the Bible, only more. Evidently, the Bible did not cover some areas, so the School Administrators have picked up the slack. This list is a work in progress, and it is intended to supplement the Student Handbook. It will never be complete as PCC adds rules at the rate of about two or three a week. Some obscure or old rules go unenforced, while others may be enforced sporadically. It is evidently up to the student to intrepret which rules the school actually cares about; however, in our college experience, a rule was never repealed during the school year. While attending PCC, the number one measurement of your spiritual condition will be how well you obey the rules, and secondly, how much you turn in others who don't obey the rules. Pensacola Christian College has developed an elaborate bureaucracy for dealing with all offenses, which has absolutely no Biblical precedent. Whereas God, in His infinite wisdom, created a system where sin had natural consequences, PCC prefers the more immediate system of demerits, socialling, and campusing. This is probably just as well, for their sake, as most of the rules are not sin. This brings up another issue - that of "spending demerits." Under God's law, sin is sin, and even the tiniest sent Christ to the cross. At PCC, this distinction is blurred, as some offenses are considered sin (e.g. listening to "pop" music), while others (e.g. failing to clean your mirror during room check) are not. Also, in specific cases of obtaining a weekend pass where you will miss a required activity, the school allows it and simply gives you 10 or 25 demerits in advance, much like a business transaction. This certainly could not be sin. Therefore, the question of whether it is allowable (i.e. not actual sin) to "spend demerits," (to willfully disobey a rule with the expectation of receiving the demerits due) is raised. The school allows it in some cases, doesn't care in others, and denounces it generally. As a student at PCC, you will have to discern individually which rules the administration believes should never be broken, and which are okay to break if you are willing to accept the demerits. Obviously, this is an awkward situation, but the school has found it to be "reasonable," and we would like to assume they have actually thought it through. Types of Punishment: Demerit. The basic unit of punishment. Acquiring a demerit MAY be wrong (i.e. sin) or it might not be, as explained above. Accumulation of 75, 100, or 125 of these will result in "campusing." 150 will result in possible expulsion at PCC's discretion. Campusing. The student is, in effect, "grounded," for a period of time, usually no shorter than a week. He also must sign a statement saying he will have no communication (verbal or not) with another campused student. If a person in his room is already campused, he is required to change rooms, and will not change back after the campusing ends. Socialling. While socialled, a student may have no communication with another student of the opposite sex. Expulsion. This is removal from the school. Usually the student is forced to withdraw. All cases are under the discretion of the administration. Much could be said of treating Christian adults this way. Obviously, it is not the way Christ thought most effective, and so much of it is actually counter-productive in instilling an actual heart change. It is so difficult for the school to trust the often slow work of the Holy Spirit, to bring conviction and repentance, and to conform His children to Christ, that they much prefer this more base and immediate system of correction. THE RULES. For this version (1.0) no demerit amounts will be given, as most of these change anyway. If an infraction is known to cause campusing or socialling it will be noted. Also, any rules enclosed in quotation marks are taken verbatim from an official PCC proclamation (usually a hall meeting announcement). DRESS CODE: While the Student Handbook states that it does not want its students to feel the need for an expensive wardrobe, it goes on to require such an array of clothing that invariably any new student must go spend hundreds of dollars for clothes to fit its "standards." MEN. Pants may not be "pegged" or have any pockets on the legs. Pants may not be "frayed" at the bottom. No jeans, or double-stiched pants. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. Men may not wear a necklace. Hats may only be worn outdoors, but NOT at outdoor sporting events. You must wear a belt at all times. You must wear "dress" shoes except when involved in athletic activity. You must wear a collared shirt except when involved in athletic activity. No apparel with other colleges or high-schools is allowed. T-shirts must be blank or be an official PCC T-shirt. You may not shave your head (Caucasian students only; it is unclear how this is to be interpreted for Asian-Americans/Indian-Americans. All we can suggest is to consult your floorleader). Violation will result in being sent home for two weeks (your expense). "Shelf Cuts," hair touching the ears, sideburns past the middle of the ear, bangs over the eyes, and hair touching the collar are not allowed. No blue-jean (denim) shirts or jackets. No "dressing down" - that is, intentionally mismatching clothes. Clothing may not have advertising or large logos on it. You must wear socks. Except for collegian sports, men must wear "dress sweats" for any athletic activity where women are present. A swimming suit/shorts may not be worn while traveling to the beach, although there are no changing rooms at the men's required beach. For White Glove weekend: "Men may wear jeans and collared shirts to breakfast this Saturday, [date of white glove], because of White Glove. Stone washed or acid washed denim should not be worn. Students must change immediately after breakfast." Multi-colored polo shirts and khakis are acceptable "afternoon" dress (see the "Who's Who" section of the latest yearbook for examples); note, though, that this also applies to Saturday mornings, in which case the morning is converted to "afternoon" for clothing purposes. Sunday afternoon, though, is not "afternoon" for clothing purposes. Women. Women must wear a skirt or dress at all times. Jean skirts are allowed at dating outings only. Long shorts (i.e., "gouchos" or "coullotes" - I apologize for the spelling. I could not locate either of these terms in the Dictionary) which reach the knee are permitted for athletic activity. You may not wear pants in your dorm, although sweats ARE permitted after prayer group. All skirts must be knee length and shirts must not be subjectively "low-cut." No two-piece swimming suits (although, this is a bit irrelevant since a male should never see you swimming). DORM RULES: Your room must be cleaned to a subjective degree every morning for room check. If you are still in bed you may receive demerits for not having your bed made (although it is acceptable to make your bed, go back to sleep on top of the made bed while your floorleader is checking room jobs, and then crawl back under the covers after the floorleader exits the room. However, you must wait until the floorleader crosses the threshold before actually beginning to "crawl" back under the covers). On weekdays, there are "quiet hours," during which you may not talk in the hall, close doors loudly, or sing in the shower. After bed-time ("lights out:" 11:00 every day, including weekends) you may receive demerits for talking, taking your contacts out, having your feet on the floor (or possibly suspended a few inches from the floor), being in the bathroom, or basically doing anything but lying in bed. No local calls over 30 minutes. No extra studying during exams. No lights, computers, stereos, or other appliances left on when the room is empty. Wall decorations (posters, etc) must be hung by pinning them from string to the corner of the wall and ceiling. There is no officially approved adhesive or "sticky tack." You may not have: television, personal stereo (walkman), microwave, fans, skillets, hot plate, coffee pot, electric blanket, extra furniture, or a living pet (also presumably includes a "dead" pet - not clear whether this includes pet rocks or plants) of any kind. Hot pots and popcorn poppers must be used in the laundry room. Liquid bleach and oven cleaner may not be used to clean. Any unused mattresses in a room must be covered with sheets, apparently provided by you. You may not put up a picture of unmarried people in physical contact unless they are of little kids (no age given at which time a "little kid" is no longer a "little kid") (these are sold in the bookstore). You must wear a shirt in the halls (men and women) and may not wear shorts in the lounges at any time. You may not go bare-foot in the halls or lounge. You may not sing "too loud" during prayer group. OFF CAMPUS RULES: As stated in the Student Handbook, leaving campus is a "privilege," one which they revoke as they see fit. Students must return to campus by 10:00 p.m. every night, including weekends. A student must "scan out" at the campus computers, notifying the school of exactly where he intends to go off-campus. If the intended destination is not listed on the computer, the student must obtain a permission pass from various staff at designated times. This is also applicable if you wish to leave campus on a Sunday. You may not go to Cordova Mall after 5:00 p.m. There are a myriad of restaurants the students are not allowed to go to, although faculty and staff frequent them (more specifics on campus). Freshmen/Sophomore women must leave campus in groups of three or more. Junior/Senior women, in groups of 2. No more than twenty students may meet off-campus without specific permission. Males and Females are to use separate public beaches and may not go to the popular Pensacola Beach or to the nearby Boardwalk. MEDIA: A large amount of magazines are considered pornography and are not allowed, including: Men's Health, Muscle&Fitness, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, etc. The Publishers Clearing House contest application has a sticker for Playboy and is not allowed (disregard the criminal statutes against interfering with someone else's mail). The BMG or Columbia House music club catalogs are not allowed (again, disregard the criminal statutes against interfering with someone else's mail). Music is limited to classical, hymns, accepted "new age" and instrumental, and that distinctive "PCC sound." No "paraphenelia" (posters, books, stickers, etc) associated with "non-passing" media is allowed in your dorm, on your person, or in your car. You may recieve demerits for having your radio tuned to a "non-passing" radio station, even if you have not touched the dial since you were home. At any time, the administration (or students authorized by the administration) may go through your room, unannounced, looking for anything unauthorized. The blinds in your room must be closed after dusk. MISCELLANEOUS: There is to be NO. . . Tardiness. Littering. Chewing gum indoors (in certain buildings). Sleeping in church. Having more than 8 people at a table in the Varsity Commons. Eating food purchased off-campus in a public area. Walking on the grass. Wearing face paint at Greek Rush. Selling anything in the dorms. Borrowing. Violent, "occult," or "lewd" computer games. Covering your Photo ID picture in any way. Playing of instruments (of any kind) in your room, or outside. The only place to play on campus is in the practice rooms. Possession of an electric guitar or amplifier. Taking part in a collegian meeting other than your own. Automotive repair on campus. Horseplay. This is completely subjective and can be for anything from loudness to throwing a pillow. "Indirect Horseplay." (a true work of linguistic and logical gymnastics. . .) This appears to be watching "horseplay" from a distance without doing anything to stop it (please disregard your personal safety). "Flipping." This involves flipping the empty offering plate as you pass it; it may be considered a disruption of the service. Turning in another student's attendance card (deception). All music, speaking, skits, or public/semi-public performances of any kind must be passed by the administration. This includes collegian meetings, Sunday school, Student Body, etc. You must follow all usher instructions There is to be NO. . . Disrespect or "bad attitude" (completely subjective). Profanity. Fireworks. Using another person's automobile. Plagiarism. Lying or any form of deception (widely interpreted and applicable only to students). Cheating. Unauthorized possession of a weapon. Obscene language (which the administration apparently distinguishes from profanity). Stealing/Computer Piracy. Attendance at a movie theater or unapproved concert/event. Visiting Pensacola Junior College or the Unversity of West Florida. Disrupting a public gathering or function. Possession or use of tobacco/alcohol/controlled substances (includes glue). Forgery. Duplicating keys (for those of you who brought down your key-duplicator machine). Assault or attempted assault. "Squealing" tires. Gambling (or possession of standard playing cards). Involvement in any occultic activity. "Students are to walk to activities at the Academy, Print Shop, Awana, Youth Group, and Collegian meetings. Anyone needing to drive should get it approved a head [sic] of time with the Dean of Men's Office." STUDENT INTERACTION. No student is allowed to talk or otherwise interact with another student of the opposite sex outside of a "chaperoned" area. It does not matter if they are alone or among hundreds of students if it is not an "official" chaperoned area. FOR INSTANCE, consider these. . . . 1.) "This is a reminder that the hallway in front of the Field House is an unchaperoned area. Couples may walk through the area during the daytime, Monday-Friday, but may not loiter." 2.) "This is a reminder that the social hours [chaperoned hours] in the Commons Plaza are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. or dusk (whichever comes first) Monday through Saturday, and 12:15 to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays." 3.) "The Academic mall areas are unchaperoned areas in the evening. Students taking evening classes should socialize in the classrooms only." You may not interact with a student of the opposite sex in any way off-campus without an approved chaperone (includes being sociable and friendly - this is not permitted). Men, you may not give your suit jacket to your date (let her freeze). Each gender must use segregated stairways, elevators and in some cases, sidewalks. There is to be no physical contact between students of the opposite sex, except perhaps on some "dating outings," where immature hand-holding games are played. The official rule on "indirect contact" is unknown. It is much talked about, but unevenly enforced. This includes such things as tugging on a coat, poking with a pencil, etc. Siblings of the opposite sex should not interact in unchaperoned areas to abstain from the "appearance of evil" (although we are hesitant to ask WHAT evil this is referring to). "It is proper, although not required, for a young man to give a corsage to his date and for a young lady to give a boutonniere. It is not appropriate for plants, fruit, stuffed animals, and other such items to be brought to Fine Arts programs." ("fruit"? I guess this means leaving that big cluster of grapes, or that sapling you had as a gift for your date back in your dorm room. . . But aren't corsages and boutonnieres "plants"?) Finally there is IMPROPER PROCEDURE, which is a catch-all for anything you do which they don't want you to do, but hadn't thought of making a rule about it yet. Unfortunately, there are many other rules that, due to a lack of space here, will have to be put into the next edition of the "Rules Compilation." Please continue to submit more rules. I know we have probably missed hundreds of them, but we intend to keep this list and submit it periodically, including it in issues of The Voice. We hope this "Compilation" has been helpful, and we do suggest that if you know of anyone considering whether or not to attend PCC, give them a copy of this list, as it will help them to be more fully prepared when they arrive on campus. ######################################################## The Student Voice, Leibniz, and lupos may be reached with your thoughts and comments at studentv@aol.com ######################################################## THE STUDENT VOICE, PCC's alternative newsletter