############################################################ The Student Voice Issue 2, No. 5 11.29.1996 ############################################################ active ('ak-tiv) adj. - 1: characterized by action rather than by contemplation or speculation 2: productive of action or movement To say that a student is "actively" participating in protest by merely reading a "newsletter" strains the common understanding of several words, but particularly the word, "active." Of course, why bother with the common understanding of the words used to punish students when it is upon mere whims that students are punished? IF YOU ARE ON THE "EAGLE.PCCI.EDU" SYSTEM - DO NOT RESPOND!!! ############################################################ QUOTES OF THE WEEK "For two men or groups of men can usually discuss things together most reasonably, honestly and dispassionately when there is no third person present in front of whom they think they must be careful what they say." - Albert Einstein "Opinions cannot survive if one has no chance to fight for them." - Thomas Mann "He who takes a stand is often wrong, but he who fails to take a stand is always wrong." - Anonymous "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton ############################################################ TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Voice Announcements II. "Have You Heard the One About. . . ?" III. Some Words From a Long-Time Christian and Public School Teacher IV. Essays A. "Some Words About the 'Traditions of Men' " - Jesus Christ B. "A Time For Change" - Guest essay C. "Fearocracy" - Guest essay V. Your Comments ############################################################ I. VOICE ANNOUCEMENTS >>> The Student Voice is preparing a Response regarding the student(s) who have been expelled for involvement with this newsletter. It is a shame that it has come to this, and it is even a further shame under what pretexts the expulsion(s) were carried out. We do not take this lightly, and we will respond accordingly. Please stay tuned to the Pensacola News Journal for even further information. >>> We are seeking alumni and non-students to help us with the distribution of The Voice. We are in the process of organizing a group to help with a new distribution method; those interested, please let us know, and we will give you more information. This will be starting up next semester. >>> If you would like any copies of back issues, please let us know. However, we would ask that you limit your request to 2 issues per request in order for us to be more efficient. Once you have received the two issues, then please feel free to request 2 more. Here is a list of Voice issues and other information: The Student Voice Introductory Letter Transcript of Dr. Horton's comments made about The Student Voice Issue 1, Nos. 1 - 4 Issue 2, Nos. 1 - 4 ############################################################ II. HAVE YOU HEARD THE ONE ABOUT. . . ? There are so many things that I could tell you about my personal experiences with PCC. Here is one from my undergraduate days. I was a junior and had three freshman roommates. One came a day late, his name was ----. He walked in with absolutely no idea of what was about to happen. In talking with him, he had no ties or sport coats - seems that no one ever told him of some of the finer points of PCC life. He adjusted well enough to get the year started right. On the first weekend, I volunteered to take him around town and show him where K-Mart, McDonalds and other stores were so he could function without having to buy the high priced merchandise in the campus store. When we were in the car, I noticed him continually spitting into a coke can. I tactfully informed him that dipping was not looked upon as a proper behavior of a student. We agreed that he wouldn't do it anymore - or at least not around anyone else. Weeks went by and we did not get along at all. The rules really turned ---- the wrong way and he really had a rotten attitude. One Saturday before hall meeting as I was sitting in my room I noticed that it was 10:25 and ---- hadn't been seen for a while. My roommates and I went through hall meeting knowing something was going on. I went to my floor leader and mentioned that ---- hadn't showed up or been seen for most of the night. He informed me that ---- and another student were arrested for drunk driving and underage drinking. A few days went by and the inevitable happened - I got a call slip. I knew that as APL this was going to be very interesting. I went and talked to Dean ---- where I was asked about ----'s life in the room. I informed them that we really didn't like each other because he always fought me for making him do his room job, etc. Then it got interesting. Dean ---- said he had a few questions. How many times have you gone off campus with ----? How many times did you go play pool with ----? Do you drink alcohol? Were you aware that ---- was off campus drinking? How many times did you do drugs with ----? How many times did you go drinking with ----? How many times did you get a prostitute with ----? The questions continued. After categorically denying all of these outrageous questions - then came the next. How long have you known about ---- dipping? After I answered, all of the other questions were repeated once again. I was then told that I also was up for expulsion because I "knew" information that I should have passed on to the PCC "police". I flat out told Dean ---- that he could go ahead a kick me out because if that was a good enough reason, I didn't want to be there then anyway. Eventually I was blamed because a student who had no idea of what PCC was like and definitely should not have been a student in the first place got in trouble that it was all my fault. I got 75 demerits for being an improper APL and was campused for 2 weeks. This happened right before Thanksgiving. My parents were just arriving for a visit. But I still got campused. Now just a few comments: 1) Why didn't this student have a copy of the rule book before coming to PCC? 2) Why do the deans constantly take the word of someone who is about ready to be expelled? so they can get some more students in trouble? 3) What is being an improper APL? By not turning him in at the beginning of the semester and telling him not to do it anymore and then not having any further knowledge of his dipping, I thought that I made the right decision by not turning him in. Of course, I was only 21 years and who am I to make a decision ---. 4) How about all of those questions? A prostitute? GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! I hope that Dr. Horton reads this because maybe this will give him an idea of the CRAP that goes on in the dean's offices. Up until this point in my PCC career, I honestly think that I had fewer than 50 demerits for infractions like room jobs, punching a pass in late, etc. A PROSTITUTE? Never! >>> I guess PCC has substituted the second great commandment - Love thy neighbor as thyself - to: Love PCC with all thy heart, soul, and mind. . . and don't even think about helping out someone else unless you get our permission. Anyway, to respond to your questions, 1.) We believe PCC does now send out copies of the Student Handbook to future students, but that handbook is extremely vague and entirely incomplete, as you will see when we publish our Rules Compilation 2.) That's what we would like to know. This gets back to our essay on the Discipline Committee [Issue 1, No. 2] and the ideas we suggested to illeviate this problem to a great extent. To our knowledge, they have been ignored. We, too, would like to know the answer to this question. 3.) Your guess is as good as ours - we think is whatever the administration wants it to mean to fit whatever purpose they have in mind at any given time. Vague? You bet. - eds. ############################################################ III. SOME WORDS FROM A LONG-TIME CHRISTIAN AND PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER I must say that reading the student voice brings back memories, many not so good. I was a student in the "old days" and I see that not much has changed. When I came to PCC there were only two buildings and we had all our classes in the elementary and high school buildings. We had to cross the tracks every day for lunch, dinner, church, and classes. Many times a train caused us to be late. That has all changed, but apparently, many things are still the same. I have been a teacher for 17 years now and at least in my opinion a successful one. The first eight years were spent teaching in a Christian School and the last nine in a college prep public high school. I still remember vividly, especially since StudentV has reminded me, of such unnatural and rediculous concepts as 1. being socialled, 2. the dating parlor, 3. the no touch rule, 4. never being allowed to question authority, 5. the demerit system, 6. 10:30 lights out, 7. the dress code, 8. the whole D.C. situation........I could go on and on! I am almost 40 now and I still can't get over how I was treated when I was 20. I have a son in the tenth grade who is starting to consider his college options and I cannot in good conscience recommend PCC. If I was so unhappy there, why did I stay? Well, once you have invested a year into a place, it is difficult to transfer without losing ground. I went to PCC, yes because I believe the Lord led me there, and because of its emerging reputation of training teachers. I have to admit that in some respects, I was much better prepared for teaching than many of my collegues starting out. However, my philosophy has changed over the years. I am now proud to be a Christian serving in the public schools. I might add that I met my wife there and we look back on our dating life at PCC and consider it most unusual. It is truely a miracle that we conceived our lasting relationship under such (what now seem unthinkable) circumstances. PCC seems to be in the business of hiring robot teachers that train robot students, or at least that is what it appears they are trying to do. I would like to see a study of the turnover in faculty at PCC. What many students may not realize is that faculty are not treated with much more respect than the students. I have known many, many to go to PCC to teach for a few years and then move on. What Dr. Horton has esstablished in Pensacola is much like a commune. A core of long standing teachers and administrators (not many) have been brainwashed, in my opinion, into believeing that this is all of God and functions as the almighty "MINISTRY". When anyone questions the authority, be it student or faculty member, they are dealt with immediately and severely. I marvel that this has all continued now 22 years (much longer if you include the K - 12 school). Is this because God has raised up this Ministry....? I won't touch that one. I admonish studentV for its courage. It is finally possible to speak out without fear of reprisal [this, unfortunately, is not entirely true anymore - eds.] - although I am sure every effort is being made. College students need to be questioning authority and be allowed to speak their minds. They need to be able to make mistakes and learn from them, regardless of what may happen to the "Mininstry's" reputation. As a parent of three, I am learning to give more and more freedom to my childeren as they get older, along with more responsibility. To send them to PCC and take away their freedom is not what I can encourage in good conscience. I was a witness to many a student that when crushed by the almighty power of the student handbook (and its inhumane enforcement) rebelled in a way that they would not have otherwise. Hasn't Dr. Horton learned in all these years that severe restriction and unncessary rules are counterproductive? I guess not! I might also dare to suggest that Mrs. Horton may be even more responsible than Dr. Horton. Of course we will all answer some day and that includes myself and the Hortons. I live in the "real world" with all its problems, not in a make believe world of PCC. I must say it has many resemblences to extreme teachings of other groups I will not mention here. I submit that Christians need to take a part in public institutions and not withdraw into their own private worlds. I am reminded of Jesus and the many times he dealt with the individual person and not the letter of the Old Testament law. I don't think it is too far a stretch to compare PCC with the Pharasees and other groups in the Bible and in history that have been caught up in legalism. I know this must all sound like sour grapes, but I am not bitter against PCC for the years I spent there. I earned a degree at PCC. I belive I have had an impact on my students for many years and I am very involved in my Church. My children go to the public schools and I support them and have become involved in their education. It is my belief that nothing will change at PCC until Dr. Horton leaves (he has no children to pass the baton to like Bob Jones). This is not to be hateful at all, but I am simply stating what I think is a fact. Thank you for letting me share some of my opinions. ############################################################ IV. ESSAYS >>> Both Leibniz and lupos were unable to contribute essays this week. "Some Words About the 'Traditions of Men' " - Jesus Christ, taken from Mark 7:1-16 1. Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. 2. And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault. 3. For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders. 4. And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables. 5. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, "Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?" 6. He answered and said unto them, "Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 8. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do." 9. And he said unto them, "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. 10. For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death: 11. But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12. And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13. Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." 14. And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, "Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand: 15. There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man. 16. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear." "A Time For Change" - Guest essay There seems to be a great debate in The Student Voice about motives and change. This is not what The Voice should be about. Life's decisions are all about right, and wrong. Whether or not change occurs because of The Voice is up to God (and I certainly hope change does occur, for it is needed). The question is "Should you agree or disagree with the issues presented in The Voice?" Is the school right or wrong about what they are doing? I would like to deal further with the motives issue. 1. You cannot judge my motives or those of the editors. It is impossible, so why try? What you can judge is the validity of our arguments. Let me illustrate it this way. Is stealing wrong simply because your pastor says so? What if Hitler said so? Is it any less of a truth because of the character of the person saying it? What if someone said it, not to spread a Biblical truth out of love, but to make sure you didn't steal from him? Is it any less valid? What if he said it with a bad attitude? The point I'm trying to make is that if someone said that stealing is wrong, yet he was a thief, or he said it with a bad attitude, or he had the wrong motives, it still would be truth. Let us say that Adolf Hitler gave a lecture on why Christ was God, and he gave all the right reasons. He doesn't have a good character, and most likely would have a bad attitude and the wrong motives. Because of this I would scrutinize what he had to say more closely, but truth is truth, regardless of the character of the messenger or the attitude and motive behind the message. The only good question is, "Are the facts and arguments correct?" and if they are correct, then "What will you do with the facts and arguments presented?" This is why I am glad that the editors decided to remain unknown. I can focus on the facts, and pray about what I should do about them. 2. The only things you or I or the editors can judge is what the Bible (and therefore God) judges. In my opinion, the editors have done nothing that is wrong. It is also my opinion that PCC HAS done things that are wrong (spreading legalism, being uncaring of fellow Christians, attempting to stop free speech and thought, and implementing an incorrect view of authority). I also would like to say that I do appreciate the editor's "sharp" sarcastic style. It is not harsh enough to be cruel, yet it adds a "point" to the facts. It remarkably resembles the Apostle Paul's style (no I don't think it is inspired, nor do I believe the editors to be apostles or anything like that. It just happens to be the way Paul, under inspiration, handled problems with fellow Christians who seemed very much unwilling to listen). I also would like to make a comment about the issue of the editors not making comments to the opposing opinions that are sent in and printed in The Voice. I DON'T LIKE IT. I do not consider myself to be extremely intelligent, logical, or an extremely gifted writer. I am, however, a thinker, and many times I see the faulty logic of a disagreement, but I just can't seem to put my finger on the problem, or properly state what that problem is. I like the editor's comments, because it saves me the time and energy of finding the fault. I usually come to the same conclusions as the editors, but it takes me longer. Also, it makes me have to deal with the facts. I have no holes where I can ease my conscience. The editor's excellent logic in their refutations cause me to be able to focus mainly on what I will do about the truth, instead of focusing on what the truth is. It's time for a change - time compare PCC to the truth. "Fearocracy" - Guest essay In the time I have spent in this ministry I have found that fear dominates staff, faculty, and student. It is neigh to impossible to get an honest opinion about anything that a person might disagree with about the school. Why is this so? Is it because they do not believe that they are right? I should hope not. Is it because they fear spreading a bad attitude? Not usually. Is it because they are evil Bob Jones spies bent on destroying this college, and they don't want to be caught until their wicked scheme of obliteration comes to fruition? Most unlikely. It is because they fear for their jobs, or college careers. The idea presented by one of the readers that a student should be able to go to the administration and discuss some disagreement is good in theory, but not in fact, at PCC. If someone were to attempt it, they would most likely not be kicked out/fired right away, but they would win much disfavor with the administration. They would be labeled as a dissenter. The opinion of the individual was important to Christ. Why is it so disdained here? It saddens me greatly to see the damage done to those young students who come here to learn about, and love Christ, yet are ridiculed and mistrusted by their "leaders." The damage done to their Christian lives is incalculable. I try to do what I can of "damage control," but sometimes nothing can be done. Some rebel, others get depressed, many fall by the wayside. Why? Because they were wicked people? Some perhaps, but not all. They fall because they expect this Christian organization to be full of learning, and loving, and yet they find that even the administration, the ones who should be the leaders and therefore more mature, have a harsh, and unloving spirit that is hardly Christian. Even if a student rebels he should be loved as a Christian brother, not disdained as if he has no value. Yes, maybe he will have to be kicked out, but love him anyway. Is this not the teaching of Christ? It is sad to see that even those who keep a good attitude towards the "ministry," but choose to continue believing differently are treated as outcasts. I mentioned before that fear is dominant. Fear should be dominant among those who wish only to disobey, but what of those that want to simply be right? What of those that sincerely, and with full conscience disagree with the school in an area? Should they fear? Is the purpose of authority to make good men fear trying to make the system better? or others better? or themselves better? Why is PCC authority causing this reaction among good God-fearing people? It seems to me that the school is attempting to get the people to fear the administration as they (the people) would God. They fear disagreeing with the college at all. Who other than God should someone fear disagreeing with even when that person has a good attitude? The administration always has said that people should obey authority no matter what kind of attitude the authority has, but shouldn't a Christian authority be able to take correction even from someone with a bad attitude? Yes, it may be authority's need to put that attitude "in it's place," but does that mean you should not listen to them at all? Does that somehow negate the ideas behind his arguments? I see no reason that this should be so. It seems to me that the administration is asking their students to be more mature than they themselves are willing to be. ############################################################ V. YOUR COMMENTS >>> COMMENT from a non-student. To Whom It May Concern, You do not know me. I am not and have never been a student at PCC. However, I have a family member who recently graduated from PCC along with several of his friends. I have visited the campus several times. Every time I visited I was considered to be "not properly attired". I graduated from Bible College and I am currently in the full time ministry. I was introduced to several people of authority and prominence while I was there. They were told that I was employed in the full time ministry. However, this did not stop them from looking down their noses at me, maybe because of my attire. I am writing all of this to state the following. The Bible College I attended was not perfect. It had many of the same problems that you have addressed. It was not perfect because it was run by men. These were great men. Many were pastors with strong, thriving churches. They were pastors and teachers. But just as I said, they were still men. Men will make mistakes and always do. Many times I was frustrated and upset with how things were handled at the college. Many times they were contrary to God's Word. Many times they were 100% wrong in what they did. Sometimes they admitted it and sometimes they didn't. It all used to really bother me. Then one day I realized that what is most important for me was to be doing the will of God. God has a specific will for each and every one of us. And it is easy to know it, if we are truly seeking it. God's will for my life was to go to that college and receive my degree and prepare myself for what lay next. God knew the problems there. My job was to focus on keeping myself right, true, and uspotted from the world. Many people around me made mistakes everyday just like me. Some mistakes were more noticeable than others because the people who committed them were on the staff of the college. I had to concentrate on taking one day at a time and making sure that I was living according to God's will. God will take care of the other people, it is not up to me be the Holy Spirit in their life. If God wants a student at PCC then that student should attend PCC and abide by every rule that they have. The student should do what is required of him by the school in order to receive their degree. This is just a short period in their life. I guarantee you that if it is God's will for them to attend PCC, and they attend PCC, and they obey every rule and command passed on to them, and they focus on living their lives according to God's Word, and they do this no matter if the rules and laws make sense or not, then they will be blessed by God for obedience to His Word and Will. You seem to focusing on the truth. The truth is that we are spirit-quickened Christians living in a spiritually dead world. Putting the word Christian on something does not always make it Christ-like. However, we have the ability and power to be Christ-like and must be. And we must concentrate on ourselves and not get too busy worrying about others, because we tend to forget that people in glass houses should not throw stones. Just like Jesus told the men trying to condemn the lady for her sins; He said for those without sin to throw the first stone and none did. ******************************************************** >>> COMMENT from a former student. First of all, I would like to begin by saying that I have the highest respect for PCC. I know without a doubt that my teachers, especially those in my particular area of study, cared about me as an individual. I am proud to be a graduate of such a fine institution, and I have no regrets for having attended PCC. I am happy to see that there is finally a place where students can "openly" discuss our views about the college. I know that there are those who would like to see this forum disappear, but they are the ones who created it. They created it by putting up a wall between the students and the administration. I do not necessarily believe that the Student Voice is the best place to discuss our feelings about PCC, but it has become our only alternative. I would also like to say that I hope this forum does not become a place where students come to "trash" PCC. If it ever comes to that, then I will no longer have a part in it. As I said before, I am proud to have attended PCC. I do not see much use for an electronic forum that "bad-mouths" the college. Students can do that without a computer. I want to see the Student Voice maintain a high level of Christian ideals and communicate with a loving attitude. Sincerely, Equilibrium ************************************************************ >>> COMMENT, with reactions and comments from The Voice. In a message dated 96-11-19 11:23:21 EST, you write: << I was very interested to receive the most recent newsletter. I graduated in 1991, and can relate to most of the sentiments that current students are expressing. However, from my vast perspective of 5 years as an alumni, I would also like to speak in defense of the administration. >> No problem. << My experience with the iron fist of PCC came in the fall of '88, my sophomore year. I had been employed at a restaurant during the summer, and after we closed one hot evening, I was offered a cool, frosty pina colada. I took only one sip; and to this day, that is the only alcoholic beverage I have ever tasted. I forgot about it until registration at PCC, when we were asked to sign a form stating that we had not used alcohol or tobacco in the last 6 months. I checked "No" and signed the form, then suddenly remembered that sip of pina colada. I asked the person seated next to me in the Lyceum what she thought. She said, "Well, I went on a cruise and had some champagne, and I don't think that counts," which was no help. I decided that my conscience would bother me, so I changed the alcohol box to "Yes." I figured that if I got a call slip, I would just explain the situation and it would be no big deal. >> I commend you for being honest. << Sure enough, two weeks later, the dreaded green glow appeared in my box. At the appointed time, I ventured to the fourth floor of the administration building and located the office of the assistant dean of women. After being invited to explain my "Yes" checkmark, I confidently told the aforementioned tale, then awaited her thanks for my honesty and my permission to leave. Imagine my surprise when she informed me that the policy for all incidents of alcohol consumption was to campus the guilty student. My pleas and protests, of course, were to no avail. >> I think it is unfortunate. . . . << In my case, they were quite lenient; >> "Lenient"??? By whose standards? Are PCC's "standards" those by which we want to be judging what is "lenient"? I don't know. . . but please continue. << it was only until midterms, and I could still go off campus--as long as I had a floorleader or a PL with me. >> How generous of them. How old were you? << Well, with my major and work assistance, I didn't have a lot of time to go off campus anyway; but I was crushed. I had always been a good girl who never got into trouble. In fact, for the first two weeks of that semester, I WAS a PL. I had two freshmen roommates with whom I had quickly grown close. However, since I was no longer qualified to be even an APL, I was required to move out of my room. >> Amazing. . . and to think they were being lenient. << Life was really hard for awhile. My family felt that the situation was ridiculous, and that I should transfer to another school. But the Lord truly worked it out for good; >> He always does. That's why there is no "bitterness" or "anger" with me. I enjoyed my four years there, and I, too, have friends that I consider more valuable than any education I received. The Lord does work things out for good, but just because He always does, doesn't mean that we have to remain silent to double standards and just complete nonsense. << two of the girls in my new prayer group have become lifelong friends. And I learned a valuable lesson; that life isn't fair, and it's our reaction to what happens to us that counts with God. >> You're right, and I think God is disgusted with much of "modern" Christianity for doing much less than we should have, and for reacting less. << And now . . . to defend the administration. First of all, we must recognize that they DO have the right to set any rules they wish, as long as those rules do not force a student to violate a commandment of God. >> Of course. I have advocated this numerous times. In fact, the first essay I did on authority was to show that PCC DOES have that right. << If a student doesn't like a rule, he is free to make a choice: stay or leave. >> Now think about that for a second - what you, and many others in the administration are saying is that there are two choices: like and agree with EVERY rule, or leave. Now, I'm not saying you are narrow minded, because I don't know you, but it is this kind of reasoning that makes me want to pull my hair out. If I left everything that contained something I didn't like, I would have to kill myself. No, the answer is not to run away, but to try to resolve the conflicts. You know as well as I do that numerous students have these same problems. What if they all left? Would that be what you want? And what if God led the student there? Are you saying that they should leave against God's will? There is more room in this discussion besides agreeing with everything or leaving. . . . << Yes, some may lose financial support from Mom & Dad if they leave, or forfeit credits earned (since they usually don't transfer). >> Kind of a drastic measure to take for simply disagreeing with some rules, wouldn't you say? << It's still a choice. If one is determined enough, he can succeed anyway. >> And it's a choice to agree or not. . . . << If one decides to stay, as I did, then the correct course of action is to decide to rejoice in the Lord always, and learn in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. >> I agree, but this doesn't mean silence. I rejoice in His truth, and when I see someone twisting it, especially when it is an institution which claims moral superiority over virtually everyone else, I cannot remain quiet. << It's only four years; after that, we can do what we want. A focus on how unfair the deans are, and on all the fun things they won't let us do, will only make us miserable. >> Yes, not being allowed to grow up will make one miserable - this is the way God made us. << Plenty of fun activities ARE allowed. >> I don't think anyone is disagreeing with you here. << It is more difficult to explain why the administration seems so closed-minded. One obvious point is that each rule has been added as a need for it has become obvious. >> Well, you just said two words that speak volumes. "Need." Are these things really "needs," or just quirks? And "obvious." Obvious to whom? And based on what principles? They certainly are not based on Scriptural principles, many of them; so by whose standards do you determine what is and what isn't "obvious"? It wasn't obvious to me or lots of other people. Were we mistaken when we thought that adults should have adult responsibility? << If no college freshmen had ever gotten into trouble with the opposite gender while off campus, probably we would still be allowed to fraternize with them there. >> My goodness! Are we going to simply ignore the natural course of human social interaction? Are you saying that any time someone "gets in trouble" that environment should be completely cut off? Actually, I don't think students were ever allowed to "fraternize" with others of the opposite sex. Let me ask you something - isn't that a bit insulting? I mean, what they are saying to you is that you are not mature enough or smart enough to be able to handle normal social interactions - the same ones you do all the time when you are not at school. Is this reasonable? << Regarding my "alcohol problem," I can understand the need to draw the line somewhere. >> Sure - No alcohol at school. Why do they need to go prying into what you and I do over the summer? We have these things called "parents," remember? << If my one sip had been OK, how about two sips? Three? Four? Five hundred? The easiest and most obvious line to draw is one sip, as silly as it seems. >> Sure - but the line cannot be drawn where there is no authority to draw it. This, I believe, is the problem here. << Our human nature tends toward pride and rebellion. A disciplined atmosphere such as is maintained at PCC (or the armed services, for that matter) will quickly bring out those characteristics in us if we're not careful. >> Actually, there is very little problem with rebellion in the military. . . . Again, you are using terms that require volumes to really flush out, which is fine. "Discipline" raises many other issues - how far may they go? What can they and what can they not discipline for? Who really should be disciplining? etc. . . . Let's not forget what the context is - college, not elementary school. << The PCC administration is trying to protect their students from the ungodly influence of the world, and from their own sinful natures. >> But is this really their responsibility? I guess that gets to the core values - Is it PCC's responsibility to "protect their students"? I thought the Scriptures gave that responsibility to the parents? And I think that if a person is not ready to be able to face the ungodly influence, then he/she shouldn't be away from home yet. << We may disagree about the age at which we should be given what freedoms. I believe that people age 18-22 are still vulnerable enough that they should be thankful for the protection afforded by an institution such as PCC. >> Based on what principles? They are allowed to vote. They are allowed, and sometimes required, to fight and defend this country, but you think they must have PCC's strict restrictions? And what about the millions of other Christians and non-Christians who turn out just fine, in spite of not being "protected"? << I wasn't at the time, but I am now. >> Should you have been away from home, then? << Also, the world loves it when they can point at a Christian and say, "See, they're no better than me; why difference does God make?" >> They also love to look at hypocrisy and fanaticism to say the same thing. . . .. << From the perspective of testimony in the community, image IS important; and the administration is trying to protect that too. >> I agree that image is important, but what "image" is PCC portaying when it builds multi-million dollar complexes when there are homeless people not more than 10 minutes away? And what kind of "image" do you think PCC is portraying when people see no interaction between groups of PCC students because of a restriction on normal and acceptable social behavior? And what type of "image" do you think PCC sends out when they claim to be morally superior to others and others love God every bit as much, if not more? What kind of "image" is the question. << I hope that these thoughts may help current students struggling with unfair punishment, and former students or alumni who may still be dealing with hurt from their experiences at PCC. For you I pray God's healing and peace. Rejoice now in His freedom! >> Thank you. THE STUDENT VOICE, by Leibniz ############################################################ The Student Voice can be reached with your comments and opinions at studentV@aol.com ############################################################ THE STUDENT VOICE, PCC's alternative newsletter